Summertime is often associated with warm weather, days spent at the beach, and all-around fun in the sun. However, for passionate skiers, summer can be a time of anxiety and even dread. With no snow on the ground, it can be hard to stay on top of your skiing skills and keep your edge sharp.
1. Ski on a Simulator
One great way to stay sharp on your skiing skills in the summer is to ski on a simulator. These devices can be found at some ski resorts and allow you to ski on an indoor, artificial slope. This can be a great way to stay in shape and keep your skills sharp.
2. Practice Your Turns
Another great way to stay on top of your skiing skills is to practice your turns. You can do this by using a ski pole or even a broomstick. Place the pole in the snow and make sure that you are carving your turn around it. This will help you stay sharp and keep your edge in the summer.
3. Take a Skiing Clinic
If you really want to stay on top of your skiing skills, consider taking a skiing clinic. These are usually offered at ski resorts and can help you brush up on your skills. They can also be a great way to meet other skiers and make new friends.
4. Go Skiing in the Southern Hemisphere
The Southern Hemisphere is a great place to go skiing in the summer. This is because it is winter there during our summer. So, if you want to get some skiing in, consider traveling to places like Chile or Argentina.
5. Watch Skiing Videos
Today, there are a ton of great skiing videos available online. These can be a great way to learn new techniques and stay up-to-date on the latest trends. You can also find videos of professional skiers and watch them compete.
6. Stay in Shape
Finally, getting in shape is always a good idea, but it is especially important if you want to stay on top of your skiing skills. Skiing is a physically demanding sport, so it is important to be in shape. You can do this by working out at the gym or even going for hikes.
Summertime doesn’t have to be a nightmare for skiers. There are plenty of ways to stay on top of your skiing skills and keep your edge sharp. By following these tips, you’ll be ready to hit the slopes as soon as the snow starts falling.